Raheny GAA
C.L.G Rath Éanna,
Aras Bhreadáin Ui Laoi,
2 All Saints Drive,
Raheny, Dublin 5
D05 WF44
Tel: 01-8313530
Raheny Garda
Call: +35316664300
Raheny Garda Station,
All Saints Road,
Dublin 5,
D05 XA38
Raheny Tidy Village
The Raheny Tidy Village Group is a volunteer organisation. The aim of the group is to work for the preservation of the environment in Raheny and to seek to improve that environment for the benefit of the residents and visitors to our village.
Website: https://www.rahenytidyvillage.ie/
Raheny News
Raheny News - the community newspaper for Raheny since 1975. Published by a voluntary team each week.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RahenyNews/
Raheny Scouts
73rd Raheny Scout Group is a volunteer organisation working in the community of Raheny to encourage the non-formal development of our youth members through the Scout Programme.
Website: https://www.73rahenyscouts.ie/
Raheny Girl guides
Raheny Girl Guides are a volunteer-led, youth-driven, active and dynamic branch of the Catholic Guides of Ireland.
Raheny Guides offers a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-17. (Cygnets 5-6yrs, Brigins 6-10yrs, Guides 10-14yrs, Rangers 14yrs+)
Website: http://www.rahenygirlguides.com/
Raheny Library
Stay up to date with everything going on at Raheny Library on their Facebook page
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RahenyLibrary/
Raheny Counrty markets
The best of home produce from our kitchens and gardens to your table. Beautiful handcrafts, knitwear, jewellery etc. Raheny Country Market.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rahenycountrymarket
St. Johns Ambulance
Raheny combined division formed in 1978, they are a very active division for duties, both national and divisional, they cover events around North Co. Dublin and surrounding areas.