A: 3-5 Station Rd, Raheny
T: 01 831 3772
T: 01-8329603 (bookings)
W: www.themanhattanraheny.ie
The Raheny Inn
The Cedars Lounge
A: St Assam’s Rd
T: 01 831 3738
E: cedarsraheny@gmail.com
W: www.opengastro.ie/the-cedar-lounge-raheny/
St Francis Hospice
A: Station Rd, Raheny,D05 E392
T: 01 832 7535
E: info@sfh.ie
W: www.sfh.ie
Raheny House Nursing Home
A: 476 Howth Rd
T: 01 831 1199
E: rahenyhouse@arbourcaregroup.com
W: www.arbourcaregroup.com
GPTV Home Entertainment Services
T: 086 1092159
E: sales@gptv.ie
W: www.gptv.ie
Northside Home Care
A: 2 Sybil Hill Road, Raheny
T: 01 8058574
E: karesocialservices@eircom.net
W: www.karesocialservices.ie
Make Health your Business
A: 23 St Assam’s Park, Raheny
T: 01 831 3319
M: 086 069 5906
E: Anne123oleary@gmail.com
W: www.aloeworld.org
W: www.businessforthefuture.org
Expert Hardware Raheny
A: 437B Howth Rd
T: 01 851 2596
E: john@audiowarehouse.ie
W: www.experthardware.ie
Sophie Li Hair Design
A: 19 Main St, Raheny
T: 01 818 7502
E: sophielihd@gmail.com
RayMar Ladies Hair Salon
Into The Past Genealogy Services
A: 74 Maryville Road, Raheny
M: 087 7016675
E: ams.intothepast@gmail.com
W: www.intothepast.co
Jennings Funeral Directors
A: Springdale Rd, Raheny
T: 01 848 4933 /01 855 5511
M: 087 293 1252
E: sr@funeralservices.ie
W: www.jenningsfuneralhomes.ie
River Holistic
A: 10 Main St, Raheny
T: 01 8310888
M: 087 930 4412
E: info@riverholistic.ie
W: www.riverholistic.ie
Slender Health Nail & Beauty
A: 13 Main St
T: 01 831 2917
E: info@slenderhealth.ie
W: www.slenderhealth.ie
Member First Credit Union
A: 3 Main Street, Raheny
T: 01 851 3400
E: info@mfcu.ie
W: www.mfcu.ie
Permanent TSB
A: 405 Howth Rd
T: 01 831 4253
E: raheny@permanenttsb.ie
W: www.open24.ie
Education Building Society
A: 409 Howth Rd
T: 01 831 4517
E: Raheny@mail.ebs.ie
W: www.ebs.ie
Bank of Ireland
A: 566 Howth Rd
T: 01 831 8666
E: info@boi.com
W: www.bankofireland.com
AIB Bank
A: Raheny Shopping Centre
T: 01 831 4166
E: 932345@aib.ie
W: www.aib.ie